Articles & Publications
John currently writes a very popular series of thought provoking articles for Furniture & Cabinetmaking magazine. He also reports on in-depth testing of various tools he encounters for The Woodworker. Many of his articles may be viewed here.
For many years prior to this, John was a monthly contributor to both British Woodworking and Furniture & Cabinetmaking magazine.
British Woodworking
British Woodworking is aimed at woodworkers worldwide, but likes to promote British craftsmanship, British timber and British innovation. It focusses on hand skills because it believes they are the beating heart of any workshop, but it also tests the latest machines, power tools and gadgets, and study techniques that incorporate a wide range of tools and equipment.
British Woodworking
British Woodworking is aimed at woodworkers worldwide, but likes to promote British craftsmanship, British timber and British innovation. It focusses on hand skills because it believes they are the beating heart of any workshop, but it also tests the latest machines, power tools and gadgets, and study techniques that incorporate a wide range of tools and equipment.
Furniture and Cabinetmaking
Furniture & Cabinetmaking is the only woodworking magazine focused exclusively on fine furniture making. It reports on the latest styles, reflects the best of contemporary design, and also respects the traditions of the past, not only in the UK but worldwide. It features projects and technical articles by and for professional and non-professional designer/makers, with the aim of promoting excellence in furniture making.
View Furniture and Cabinetmaking
Furniture Restoration – a Professional at Work by John Lloyd
A collection of John’s monthly articles from Furniture and Cabinet making magazine.
View Furniture Restoration – a Professional at Work by John Lloyd
© 2025 · John Lloyd Furniture & John Lloyd Furniture School