Benches to Rent
As a result of frequent requests John Lloyd has converted an oak-framed barn into stunning dedicated workshops equipped for furniture makers and antique restorers.
The workshops are designed to suit newly qualified students wishing to establish their own business, with the benefits of a fully equipped machine shop and John’s expertise on site should they require it. This could be a long term solution or a stepping stone between training and setting up a workshop of their own.
Bench rental would also benefit established craftsmen perhaps wishing to reduce their overheads but still work alongside like minded people in a creative atmosphere.
Benches may be leased either full time long term or, on an ad hoc weekly basis for those requiring only occasional use of a workshop.
The workshops are situated in pretty Sussex countryside within easy access of London, Brighton and the M23.
Rental includes use of machine shop and utilities, please contact us for prices and current availability.
© 2025 · John Lloyd Furniture & John Lloyd Furniture School